Customer Testimonials

  • Justin Edrington (Delta Foxtrot)

    "Leann Catlett "

  • Courtney Crutchfield

    "Trice hooked me up today. I have female pattern baldness and you would not be able to tell. I got box braids today and she was able to put in netting so they were full! I will be too cute at my cousin’s wedding. Thanks Trice! "

  • KK squad Kelise and khamaya

    "I have been going to Mrs Trice for a long long time and my grandma has been trusting her to do my hair for most of my life. She knows all about hair and will tell you the truth about styles you want. She is very good probably one of the best in Conway. If you book with her or the salon you will love their work. So get to booking and ask for Mrs trice. THE CROWDED ONE "

  • Tammy Williams

    "My Hair Stylist Patricia is Awesome!! All the Stylists there are Wonderful!! "

  • Leann Catlett

    "Very good experience for my granddaughters first braids. Told me what to expect and it happened like clockwork! My little can't wait to get box braids next! Thank you Latrice and Kyrah.(hope I spelled that right) "

  • jade quattlebaum

    "the ladies there are very nice and do a very good job braiding i can definitely tell why they’re rated 5 stars. this is a wonderful salon and would definitely recommend it. "

  • C. Ester

    "Absolutely the best salon I’ve been to! Professional and fast service with friendly faces! "